Rehabilitation and buildings
JOHANSON International has created an original approach that accompanies eco-building whether a new building or refurbishment. Rehabilitation is becoming more and more crucial because, for sustainable development, we must BUILD THE CITY ON THE CITY.
Since 1993, JOHANSON International has been involved in innovative approaches based on the PDCA (PLAN-DO-CHECK-ACT) which not only add more or less innovative technical (Canadian wells, the shading, solar collectors etc...) but take into account the challenges of sustainable development to set goals. This approach saw its consecration by the NF HQE commercial buildings to the building PDB Aubevilliers trade option with 14 TARGET IN VERY POWERFUL (below left with garden a view filter that purifies rainwater and wastewater on site "Portes de Paris")
We also participated with the architect Jean Pierre Crespy (Angers) for the rehabilitation of former slaughter houses sustainable development of Angers in a City of Solidarity with emphasis on the environmental aspects and sanitaries. See right below the panel of Contest Cite.

Filter garden in Aubervilliers

City of Solidarity in Angers
We were able to develop innovative approaches through dynamic project owners who have left us sufficient latitude to develop our innovation approaches.
Since 2000, the Regional Council of Haute Normandy has allowed us to develop an approach based on the concepts of the first HQE whose elements have formed the basis of the reference book "Building HQE and sustainable development" editions AFNOR more recently the City of Angers has enabled us to develop a HEALTH AND ENVIRONMENTAL approach for the CITY OF SOLIDARITY, rehabilitating old slaughter houses Angers (above right).

Housing for teachers of the Dieppes vocational high school

Dieppes vocational high school workshops